from a snowy walk in the Rattlesnake, Missoula, Montana

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The next chapter...RPCV day 1

It is all very surreal. 

I did last minute packing in the morning. Said good bye to my wonderful landlords and was off. Three years of my life crammed into two very stuffed bags! 

Sitting at the airport--I felt like I wasn't in my body. I wasn't about to get on an airplane and leave my life behind. Botswana has been my world for the past three years. My American life is a vague memory. 

I flew to Johannesburg and rented a car to drive to Lesotho. Just me and the road. It was a beautiful drive through Free State. Very much like Montana and the open sky of the Western Uniter States. I can see why the Boers came up to settle in this part of Sourg Africa. 

Following my google map I made good time from Joburg to the Masuru board. Which I would just like to say was the most painless crossing ever! You don't even get out of your car!!! 

It was a sign when my GPS stopped working and I wound around mountain roads and battled other chaotic drivers. As night fell I only had 40 kilometers to go...and the road conditions decreased. My last 15 or so kms were spent bumping over a rutted gravel road following a man in a tractor praying he was  actually taking me to the lodge. 

The night gaurd took me to my room--tired and hungry I went to sleep. As I fell asleep I told myself that I would sleep in till at least 9.....
As I opened my eyes the next was 530 am! 

My frustration quickly left when I looked outside. 

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