from a snowy walk in the Rattlesnake, Missoula, Montana

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ode to Culinary Adventures

Every day is an adventure....especially in the kitchen. Having no electricity has its joys and challenges, during the summer it is more challenges than joys. Dining on a limited menu week after week you learn to savor the amazing culinary experiences. 

For Christmas Katy, Amanda and I chose to slaughter our own dinner. It was an experience in its self, I have to admit there was a point where I didn't actually think that I could eat and enjoy dinner. It was very tasty! 

Not having an oven...sigh. Thats how I feel most of the time, Maggie and I made stove top cookies! These were a lemon sugar cookie that you cook a-la-pancake style! 

Mags puts her culinary skills to work--you have to flatten the cookies down-we used the bottom of the peanut jar. Truthfully, the cookies were okay-they were good, they fulfilled the cookie craving. But, nothing compares to a fresh from the oven cookie. 

Mug and Bean is a coffee shop...its a little slice of heaven. For Maggie's birthday we met up before a training to treat ourself to coffee, assorted slices of cake and good conversations! New York Style Cheesecake? Yum yum yum. 

Katy, KR (not pictured) and I enjoying a "picnic" dinner outside of KR's home--a selection of meat, cheeses and guacamole. 

"Ain't Your Mommas Étouffée" on a cozy winters night

Sarah and I made our own ginger spiced pancakes complete with homemade whipped cream! Sarah got her daily workout shaking the cream! 


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